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Snow Squall Research
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NARR Reanalysis
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Univ. of Wyoming Soundings
Formal Publications and Conference Papers
Bluestein, H. B., P. C. Banacos, 2002: The Vertical Profile of Wind and Temperature in Cyclones and Anticyclones over the Eastern Two-Thirds of the United States: A Climatology. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 477–506.
Elmore, K. L., S. J. Weiss, and P. C. Banacos, 2003: Operational Ensemble Cloud Model Forecasts: Some Preliminary Results.
Wea. Forecasting, 18, 953-964.
Banacos, P. C., 2003: Short-Range Prediction of Banded Precipitation Associated with Deformation and Frontogenesis Forcing. Preprints, AMS 10th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Portland OR.
Banacos, P. C., H. B. Bluestein, 2004: Hodograph Variability within Analytically Modeled, Synoptic-Scale, Baroclinic Systems. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 1448–1461.
Banacos, P. C., D. M. Schultz, 2005: The Use of Moisture Flux Convergence in Forecasting Convective Initiation: Historical and Operational Perspectives. Wea. Forecasting, 20, 351–366.
Banacos, P. C., M. L. Ekster, 2010: The Association of the Elevated Mixed Layer with Significant Severe Weather Events in the Northeastern United States Wea. Forecasting, 25, 1082–1102.
Banacos, P. C., 2011: Box and Whisker Plots for Local Climate Datasets: Interpretation and
Creation using Excel 2007/2010. NWS, Eastern Region Technical Attachment No. 2011-01.
Banacos, P. C., M. L. Ekster, J. W. Dellicarpini, and E. J. Lyons, 2012: A multiscale analysis of the 1 June
2011 Northeast U.S. severe weather outbreak and associated Springfield, Massachusetts tornado.
Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 7 (7), 1-40.
Banacos, P. C., A. N. Loconto, and G. A. DeVoir, 2014: Snow Squalls: Forecasting and Hazard Mitigation. J. Operational Meteor., 2(12), 130-151.
Banacos, P. C., G. A. DeVoir, B. Watson, A. N. Loconto, D. J. Nicosia, 2019: R2O: Development of NWS Snow Squall Warnings. AMS 9th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations, Phoenix, AZ.
Other Studies
Banacos, P. C., 2007: The Orographically Blocked Snowfall Event of 4 March 2006 in Northern Vermont. [PDF] [PPT]
Banacos, P. C., 2013: A Review of the 6-7 March 2011 Snowstorm Across Vermont and Northern New York. [PDF] [WEB Diagnostics]
B.S. Meteorology, Lyndon State College, 1996
M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 1999
Associate Editor, Monthly Weather Review (2005, 2012-19)
Last updated: 19 December 2018